Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Today I would like to talk about the value for money specifically in the hospitality industry in Dar es Salaam. There is great relationship between the value for money, quality of service and customer satisfaction.
Worldwide 85% of leisure travelers search online for holiday destinations, most travelers are looking for the best price and the best value for money. Most global travelers base ‘value for money’ on these three factors
·         Money saved
·         Time saved
·         Experience gained


Traditional Tanzanian food is on almost every street corner in Dar es Salaam the most famous foods in Dar es Salaam are ugali, grilled meats (mishikaki), eggs and chips (aka chips mayai), street corner food will cost you $2 or less. If you're looking for something a little more luxurious, then they’re a number of hotels and high-end restaurants that serve ala carte and buffet style menu, these types of meals include a lot of western dishes such as, deep fried fish, chicken, spaghetti, pumpkin soup, dessert ect. Some of the best value for meal restaurants in the city can found in Dar Es Salaam’s central business district, Amariah hotel’s Sembeti resataurant located in the central business district’s azikiwe street provides a lunch buffet every Monday to Friday that is both affordable (Less than $10) and appetizing in a premier deluxe setting.
In Dar es Salaam’s city center the cost for accommodation vary depending on the quality of service provided by the hotel. Most of the hotels found in Dar es Salaam’s central business district provide a range of services such as complimentary breakfast meals, free parking, holiday packages, etc with varying rates. The rates for these hotels varies from $50 -$300. The Amariah Hotel at the moment is one the few hotels in the city that provides the most affordable room rates while still maintaining a high level of service.
Dar es Salaam city has modern transportation networks that make it easy to get from one place to another. There are several means of transport in Dar es Salaam which can deliver a good service with reasonable price.
The rise and increase in Dar es Salaam’s car traffic system has caused the city to start heavily relying on bajaj taxis as a means of a fast and economical mode of transportation to and from the city. These three-wheeled cart vehicles (aka bajaj) have the capability to continuously zip in and out of traffic, adventurous visitors with a taste for a little bit of fun and speed will certainly feel right at home in these three wheeled contraptions. Those willing to use a bajaj as a means of transportation will be getting the best value for money at the cost of comfort ability, prices for trips in and out of the city range from 8,000Tsh (From Namanga to the central business district) to 15,000Tsh (From Mwenge to the central business district))

Dalla-dallas (minibuses and 30-seater buses) have long been a mainstay of Dar es Salaam’s public transportation system, servicing many of the city’s destinations for an average price of Tsh400 per ride. They are the cheapest mode of transportation in the city, but it does come at a great cost because they are usually invariably packed and overflowing on the weekdays, they are also difficult to board if you have luggage. If you still do decide to take a dalla-dallas please take note that the first and last stops are shown in the front window of the dalla-dallas, but routes vary, so always confirm with the conductor that the driver is going to your destination.

The Dar Rapid Transit (DART) project in Dar es Salaam is gradually taking over the old dalla-dallas routes. For example the Kimara–Kivukoni route line of the new DART system runs express buses between the city’s central business district and Ubungo (Tsh650, about 20 minutes), stopping en route at both Ubungo Bus Terminal and Ubungo-Sheikilango, and in the city centre at Kisutu St, Old Posta Transport Stand and Kivukoni. DART has fast become a great new method of transportation for the those travelling in and out of the city, it is also comfortable and provides great value for money.


Uber and regular taxis are the premium modes of transportation in Dar es Salaam, between the two Ubers have proven to be the slightly cheaper of the two. A regular taxi trip from the city to suburb areas like Masaki or Namanga will cost you a flat out rate of around 15,000Tsh. An Uber on the other hand will be slightly cheaper depending on the traffic on the road. You’ll be looking at paying around 8000 to 15,000Tsh, once again depending on the traffic (The heavier the traffic the higher the cost of the trip). Ubers and taxis are a great value for money only if you’re willing to leave one hour ahead of time to your intended destination (Avoid arriving to intended destination in bongo aka Tanzanian time).  

 SummarY of the

BUDGET (up to) US$50
§  Rooms in a budget hotel: US$30
§  Local-style meal: US$5
§  Bajaji (tuk-tuk) ride on posta to kariakoo market: US$2
MID-RANGE US$50– 200
§  Hotel rooms: US$50–150
§  Meals in a restaurant: US$15
§  Ship ride to Zanzibar: US$15
§  Day car hire in the city: US$80
high-END (more than) US$200
§  Hotel rooms: US$150–350
§  Meals in a restaurant: US$20–25
§  Flight to Zanzibar Island: US$75

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

All you need to know about Dar Es Salaam City

If you happen to visit Tanzania, you’ll definitely come across the word Dar es Salaam, the largest commercial City in the Country
Do you know the history of Dar es Salaam?
Dar es Salaam, which is an Arabic word meaning - The ‘harbour of peace’ is the largest city and the commercial capital of Tanzania.  Originally the nation’s capital, Dar es Salaam was founded as a summer residence for the Sultan of Zanzibar.
It started to become an important financial and economic center in the region after the arrival of the Germans in the late 1800s and was made the capital of the German East Africa. After the World War I, the British took control of German East Africa where Tanganyika was formed, with Dar maintaining its commercial capital status. It continued from then till now.
Dar is now a bustling and thriving city; the largest in Tanzania with a population of over 4 million inhabitants. Dar is the third fastest growing city in Africa & the ninth fastest in the world. Additionally, at its current rate of growth Dar is poised to reach a ‘Mega-City’ status (over 10 million residents) in the next 15 – 20 yrs. It has grown into the East Africa’s second-busiest port & is touted to take the number one spot in the near future. Furthermore, with the Dar port clearing cargo worth $15 billion annually as of 2013, its growth potential is there for all to see.
Its position as the commercial and administrative capital of Tanzania (it was the capital city until Dodoma replaced it in 1974) has seen it grow considerably. More so, Dar has become a popular tourist destination among African tourists and those from all over the world? Why?
Well here are some reasons:
Gorgeous Sandy Beaches
From the North to the South of the city, one can enjoy the feeling of sun-kissed sand massaging one’s feet
Sandy beaches near the city center
The Islands
Yes, you read that correctly. For a truly relaxing experience of the City, visiting the islands of Mbudya and Bongoyo are a must. They’re 20 & 30 minutes away from the mainland Dar, a short distance to access the paradise. It’s a cheap trip too.
Tropical Climate
The City comprises rainy and dry reasons. The tropical climate brings with it warmth and sun virtually most part of the year. This being the case, it makes for a very appealing destination for those looking to escape winter or colder conditions in June/July or December/January/February
Zanzibar is nearby
As Zanzibar attracts millions of visitors per year, this works in Dar’s favor with many tourists either passing through or adding Dar entirely to their travel itinerary.  A major reason for this is not only Dar’s attractions, but it’s a short-distance from Zanzibar (2 hours by speed ferry or 20 minutes by air)
These are the four fantastic reasons that can convince you to visit Dar es Salaam.
Apart from the foregoing, you can also have a truly experience the City’s glory by indulging in other activities that will let you have a feeling of being one of the local residents of the City.
Beautiful Zanzibar

Top among them are:
Riding a Daladala
It’s a form of public-private transport; a bus service that has private ownership but caters for the public. It’s also the most common form of public transport around the city. Daladala’s are known for their ‘creative’ but reckless road demeanor. However, they’re cheap. So if your budget is running a bit tight, you’ll find their prices quite reasonable. And chances are, you’ll have a story to tell about your trip from one point to another
Street Food and Local Cuisine
Try Ugali, ndizi, nyama choma or chips mayai? These are popular foods enjoyed by Dar es Salaam resident and its recommended that you taste them to have unforgettable experience. In fact, there are plenty of other local dishes – makande (a maize-centric dish), makange (spicy, chilli fried chicken fried with onions & green peppers), muhogo (cassava either fried or boiled)
Meat grilled to perfection aka nyama choma

·         Ugali, is basically stiff porridge. Doesn’t sound like much right? But, when prepared correctly with the right side dish, preferably a stew and greens, it is soft, smooth and delicious.
·         Ndizi is banana in Kiswahili. But, these are no ordinary bananas. These are non-ripe bananas cooked in a special stew with beef & beef stock.
·         Nyama Choma translates to grilled meat, which is exactly what this is. BBQ’d meat most commonly of beef, goat or chicken. Doesn’t sound like much out of the ordinary, but, it’s the way it is BBQ.
·         Lastly, there’s Chips Mayai. Undoubtedly the most common fast food & a Dar original, this combines Chips and Mayai (eggs) in an omelet. Basic, quick & tasty as hell!
No visit to Dar es Salaam City is complete until one, if not all of the dishes mentioned above have been tested.

Welcome to Dar es Salaam the largest commercial city in Tanzania.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Right next door to African history

Amariah Hotel is located in the heart Dar Es Salaam's central business district, the busiest business district in Tanzania. Located right next to the Amariah Hotel in the exact center of Dar Es Salaam's downtown area is The Askari Monument, unveiled in 1927 the memorial is dedicated to the soldiers (Aka askari in swahili) who fought along side the British military campaign against  the German military forces in East Africa.
The Askari Monument's surrounding garden area was recently renovated as part of a campaign to clean the city of Dar Es Salaam. As Amariah Hotel we are proud to be situated next to a distinguished piece of Tanzania's history.